The first night I turned on the light while he had his bottle and changing only this for three days. Then I introduced stories with the light on.
I'm not saying there is anything wrong with what you are doing but I do wonder why you feel you need to do it. The bottle can be weaned without any change to the rest of the routine and it looks like it's the light and stories which are too much of a change for your LO, especially as you haven't even made a start on cutting the bottle.
When I cut DS's BT bottle (at 12 months) I did everything very much the same as before. First I introduced a pre BT supper a small solid snack with milk drink about half an hour or so before he went for his bath. The rest of the BT routine went exactly the same. The only changes I made at BT was the amount of milk had been reduced (I did 30ml reduction and took with me a second bottle containing water in case he drained his milk...but he never drained his milk, that was just for my confidence). Then continued with the rest of the wind down as normal (stand up for cuddle and song, into bed, key phrase, leave room).
I didn't do books at BT until my DS was about 4 or 5 years old. He had lots of book reading and snuggling up with books during the day but it just wasn't something that was suitable for his BT routine. At BT he wanted to go to bed. For some LOs having the light on or reading books is too stimulating and doesn't help their brains turn off and relax.
With the bottle wean, as I said I did a 30ml reduction and took a second bottle of water. The plan went something like this:
- reduce by 30ml every 3 nights
- if the bottle is drained and LO fusses offer water
- if the bottle is not drained look at how much LO took and this is the amount he gets the following night (ie it is faster than 30ml every 3 days)
- when the last 30 ml is dropped only take a bottle of water to offer
- do all routine exactly as before only with the reduction in milk
I had planned for it to take 2 wks. It took more like 7 days and was the gentlest, easiest change I could have imagined. It was far smoother than I expected, I'd been quite worried and felt silly afterwards for having been so worried about it messing up our BT. My DS was even taking a little milk and pushing the bottle away to show he was finished. He then took a little water and even that he didn't want every night. I then switched from a bottle of water to a sippy cup which I left by his bed in case he needed a sip or drink and he still has that each night by his bed (or for a morning drink) now he is 7yo because it saves me having to get up to get him a drink if he has a dry mouth or a cough etc.
I hope that helps some. Feel free to post your progress here for a hand to hold if you want