Hi mama friends... I’d love your advice. My husband and I have to travel out of state for a family wedding just a few days after my ds turns 11 months. We were planning to take him, but it’s going to be very difficult travel days and long flights... for reasons I think we can all understand, it might be better for all if we can leave him with family. We’re exclusively bf (4 times daily right now) but he LOVES solids and is rocking finger foods at almost 10mo.
Here’s my question... is it reasonable to partially wean him to 1-2 feedings by then? Is that enough milk to be healthy? We were planning to totally wean between 12-13 months anyway. I’m just trying to calculate how much milk I would need to have pumped in order to leave him, and obviously 2 bottles a day is easier to store up than 4 bottles a day!! Thoughts? This my third but for the life I can’t remember how much my girls were nursing at 11 months! Lol!