Should I continue to cold turkey quit or try moving the time up at this point?
I would just keep going without it. If she's teething and you're using the bf for comfort though, don't withhold that just because you're dropping the DF.
I don't know that I want her to think that 5 AM is an okay time to wake up. That seems like accidental parenting, just creating a problem for the future...
That's fair enough. I'm a morning person and get up then anyway, so it doesn't worry me that my son wakes at 5am but it just doesn't fit in some peoples' lives and that's fine too - just offering an option to think about.
Is she having a solid breakfast meal as well as milk? If not, you could just feed at 5am and just do solids with milk as a drink at 6/6:30 when she starts her day. You could throw in a small snack before the first nap if necessary.
I meant this as in you'd feed at 5am then put her back into bed and then just start the day with solids rather than BF.
I have read that many 9mos have a big nap and a cat nap. How much of a cat nap should we be aiming for? an hour? just 45 mins? I usually have to wake her up from this nap so that she has a long enough A time before bed.
This nap will just naturally shrink to keep the day at a reasonable length (no greater than 14hr, ideally 13.5 max.) as A times increase. There's such a huge variation in normal at this age, there's not even a one size fits all starting point. I think if what you're doing is working alright, just stick with it.