DS1 has always been a good sleeper - in bed at 7/7.15, sleeping until 6.15-6.30 and having 1.5-2hr naps however in the last 2 weeks 90% if his wake ups are before 6am - it’s like it’s become a habit!
He’s had days with only 45 mins nap, dats where he’s gone to bed later and it’s made absolutely no difference, the days he has woken up slightly later he’s not had a different day to the day he’s woke early. His nap is generally 1.30ush and he doesn’t complain of going to bed until 7.
I’ve tried going in and telling him it’s not to time to get up yet but he just says mummy/daddy over and over until we get him up. We’ve put toys in his room to play with but he just stays in bed until we get him.
I’m not sure if we’re in the start of the 1-0 transition, however I think if I woke him early from his nap he’d would be very grumpy, or if it’s s habit I can get him out of. Probably doesn’t help that his brother (7 months) stirs at this time too and when ds1 starts shouting mummy/daddy he then wakes him up!