Hi everyone, I would love to hear your advice on our easy because something is wrong i think.
DD2 is 15 weeks tomorrow and an excellent napper. There is almost always a bit fussing at naptime but she can selfsoothe and if not, i can calm her with shh/pat or breastfeeding and lay her down awake. When I do this I always feel not doing it right because I kind of destroy our EASY (its then an EAEY) but as she sleeps like a champ afterwards and I put her down awake I assume its ok?!?!? (Am I right that her waketime is perfect when her nap is 2 hours?)
But in the evening the struggle starts: she fights bedtime so badly!! It takes looong (yesterday 2 hours!) and we are all so exhausted!
Here is our schedule:
E 7
S 8:30/8:45-10:30 (i often have to wake her up)
E 10:30
S 12-2 (i often have to wake her up)
E 2
S 4-4:30 catnap when outside with DD1
E 4:30
E 6:30 before bed (in dark room with sound machine and Pyjamas)
S 7 (this should be her bedtime but because of her fighting it, it often takes till 8pm and she is overtired by then, screaming and screaming...often I feed her once more!)
DF 10:30pm
1 night feeding around 3/3:30am
Is there something we are doing wrong? Are 3 naps not enough? How can we improve our schedule? How can I help her with these fussy evenings?
I attach an overview of our sleeping pattern