My DD2 is 22 and a half months. Since 19 months she has been on the following EASY:
WU 6-6:30
Nap 1 pm - 2:30 pm
BT 7:30 -8pm
We were having a lot of early wake ups before we established this routine and I think she should have been doing this routine before 19 months.
For the past 6 weeks or perhaps more her bedtime is getting later and later as she just cannot fall asleep. I've kept things as they are to discount teething and language leaps etc but things are getting worse now. She is no longer teething and I've noticed a huge language leap.
Now we are having very long days and I think we need to tweak her nap. Over tiredness is also kicking in and she is waking briefly in the early evening and early morning.
So now her day resembles this:
WU 6am
Nap 1 pm - 2:30 pm
BT 9 pm
She is struggling with this now and the last few days have been particularly hard as she is tired.
She is waking earlier than before too so I'm not sure if I should be cutting the nap but also making it later? Ideally I don't want her to sleep later than 2:30 pm due to the school run. Sometimes I am waking her from her nap and other times she is waking before at about the hour and 15 min mark. She does seem to need 6 and a half hours before bedtime after this length of nap and she has always seemed to be on the low sleep needs side.
Any ideas anyone?