Hi all,
My son is 13 weeks old and has encountered the 40-minute nap intruder. This has been going on since he was about 7/8 weeks. He takes four 40-45 minutes naps a day. I try my best to have him in his crib for the first three naps. The last nap usually happens in his swing. On a rare occasion, he will nap on the go in his car seat. I'm a pretty big stickler about naps in the crib. If he's in the stroller being pushed constantly he is able to lengthen his nap to 1.5-2 hours. At home for naps, he goes down super easy! I swaddle lower half, sing to him and rub his back, and then he is placed in his crib awake. Nap routine is 5 minutes max. No binky either since he was looking for this when he would wake and cannot put it back in his mouth yet on his own. He typically goes to sleep within 3-5 minutes. Then the clock starts! 40-45 minutes later, those eyes are open and he's moving his arms and lifting his legs. I have seriously tried everything, read everything, and spoke to many of my family/friends who have kids. I've even called the pediatrician. The only conclusion I have come to is that he is having difficulty connecting his sleep cycles- this is according to what I've researched.
I have tried the following to extend his naps: blackout curtains, white noise (we use a loud purifier), adjusted temperature of the room, tried the weighted sleep sack- but went back to swaddling lower half, increasing/decreasing wake time, played around with feeding times, tried wake to sleep for a week (no success), gone into room at the end of the nap and shush/pat, give binky when he wakes (we now banned binky from the crib for both naps and night time), played around with schedule, CIO. As long as he is okay and just talking to self in the crib after the 40-minute nap, I will keep him in his crib until he reaches 1.5 hours for the first two naps. I would say about 50% of the time during the first nap he will fall back asleep, but it can take him anywhere from 20-40 minutes to do so. I am seriously at a loss! My heart breaks for him because when he wakes up, he cries, rubs his eyes, and I know he is still tired.
At night he goes down at 7:30. We have a 45 minutes nighttime routine with bath, stories, and nursing. By 8:10 on the monitor we see legs and arms move, head whip back and forth and sometimes eyes open. He always goes back to sleep though. He again rouses at the end of his sleep cycles all night long. He will move around quite a bit, but always end up falling back to sleep. Then 40 minutes later, it all starts over again. He will never fully wake like he does after his nap, only once during the night for a feeding anywhere from 2:30-4:30 and then back into bed until 7:00. It's weird because he is able to connect sleep cycles at night (even though he is super restless while doing so), but struggles tremendously connecting them during nap times.
I would love to hear your suggestions/advice on this topic! Is this a developmental thing that he will grow out of or is there something else I can do to help him? Or is this the start of the 4 month sleep regression? Thank you in advance.