I wonder if your LO is truly an independent sleeper or if he's associating that BF with sleep at night. With those extra disruptions to his sleep at night, he could be getting OT but I think that it might be best to try a gradual withdrawal and get something in between the BF and BT so he's really practising those skills of settling himself off to sleep independently. You can certainly still use shush/pat or a variation of it - no reason not to do that.
When at night is he waking? Is there a reason DH is doing the resettling? Is DS looking for the breast when he wakes?
Have you thought about:
- teething - some pain relief may help
- temperature - too hot or too cold can affect sleep more than you'd imagine
- itch/discomfort with the braces - I presume you check under them regularly for redness or pressure sores but worth mentioning just in case, especially if its getting hotter where you are and he's sweating under them
- gut sensation - if you've just started solids in the evening, sometimes just the sensation of digesting solids at night can have LO's waking more at night
I agree with Creations that ideally he would have one nap of at least 1.5hr - you really want him to be able to take long naps if he's going to drop to one nap soon, because one nap of 1:15 is unlikely to be sufficient at this age.