I still nurse to sleep.
Recently all naps are 30mins but I can nurse again and hes will sleep again after a couple of tries waking up when i place him on the bed. Also, I troed and failed at ST the night before last night and he now wakes up every 15-30mins. He was waking up every 2hrs before that...then every hour as he entered the regression. I think hes gassy too since he just wont burp and then toses and turns for hours.
ST failed becuase i think hes a touchy baby. He woukd arch his back looking for me screaming and flailing his arms and lega. I now know i need to darken the room and swaddle but its so hot here and the A/C is just outside in the living room (directly towards our room door).
E WU 10am and try to nurse (not too hungry)
S12pm...or at least i try with a toddler to attend to. But hea pretty vocal at this point telling me he wants to sleep
Whenever he wakes up (after 30 mins) i try to nurse back to sleep. Sometimes works and i go from there and adjust. I usually get him to sleep every 145-2hrs+ depending in what im doing.
I noticed that when he wakes up from naps, hes looking for the breast. Do you think i should give him a pacifier? I really dont want to start that habit unless i need to...i dont even know if he can keep it in.
BT 10-11pm
Wind down is just me putting on the bfing pillow, closing the curtains and nursing.