Is there anything more maddening than trying to figure out a little one?! AAAAAHHHH.
The Good:
- Been on EASY (well technically the babywise program) since birth. Great 3 hour schedule, 7/10/1/4/7.
- BF great and takes 6oz/feed (over-ate like crazy so I weigh him before/after every feed now), gaining over 2oz per day which is bonkers. Still takes a solid 30-40m to eat though.
- Sleeps AWESOME at night - 8pm to 7am, occasionally wants to eat at 5/6am but skipped that the last two nights!!(INSERT CARTWHEELS HERE). He does wake at 1am, 2am, 3am and squirms/whimpers a bit but will take a paci for 5min and settle back down.
- Napped easily and anywhere for 1.5-2hrs from birth to 5wks, then it got ugly.
The Bad:
- I didn't set up a great wind-down routine until 5weeks so we're still perfecting it and he HATES the sit portion of the 4s - headbutts, roots like crazy and now starts screeching in frustration. I've started turning him around and doing a partial cradle/upright position facing out, putting the paci in and he kicks a few times and then closes his eyes and wants to be put down. I feel like if I don't sit at all then he's too revved up but sometimes the sitting revs him up more. I'm guessing I just need to do something shorter but still restful?
- He NEVER ever sleeps past 45 minutes and now I feel like its habit. I've tried Wake-to-sleep but he will still wake right at 45 minutes. If I put a hand on his chest and head and hum his 'go to sleep' song then he'll settle back to sleep for 2 minutes, wake, resettle for 2 minutes, wake, repeat. He gets more and more difficult to resettle each time and eventually starts crying in frustration (which makes me want to cry in frustration).
- Awake time - He doesn't seem to be able to go past an hour MAX (from wake up to eyes closed), 45m for the first awake time, even though when he wakes and doesn't cry it makes me think he's UT. For his first nap today I tried to push him to an hour awake and then he thrashed around squawking and making little cries for an hour before finally sleeping for 20min and waking up screaming. Second nap he had gotten no sleep before this so I kept it to 50m and then did his wind-down which he wanted super short, slept immediately and woke right at 45m. Now he's thrashing around and squeaking but not full on crying yet.
MWF if I do 45m A for first nap he'll go down for 45m, then we spend 30m in the carseat dropping his brother at school, back home to do wind-down again for another 45min and it works beautifully. Second nap I do an hour max A and then its the same 45m, wakes up crying, settles for 2-5m, awake, repeat - I'll spend over an hour in his room with my hand on his chest doing a hum/shush/pat situation over and over again. By the time we get to the afternoon he is beside himself with tiredness and its very hard to keep him awake to eat. Half the time he gets to the point where nothing will settle him and I basically have to let him cry (usually in my sling or my lap) with huge zombie eyes that break my heart.
He is clearly a touchy baby and easily overstimulated (bath time and bedtime massage are both 'tread carefully' events for him or he can't go to sleep for awhile after), so I keep things pretty quiet and keep stimulation to a minimum.
My questions are - what the heck am I missing? I've read both BW 'baby' books and have adjusted A time back/forwards like crazy. Our routine is good I think, his room is dark and has white noise, he's comfortable (other than a little gassy some days - NOT reflux just gas). I honestly feel like he doesn't KNOW he's supposed to sleep longer at this point. How in the heck do I teach him?
ANY HELP appreciated. I have to go back to work in two weeks and am panicking about it.