If he is crying so much when he wakes, I'm inclined to think he isn't feeling entirely well. You say he has all his teeth, but they do come in over several years, so it's possible he may have some coming in. Also worth getting his ears looked at; ear infections can be insidious things and don't always come with overt congestion or fevers.
When you give the Advil, does it help? Giving it a bit before bedtime so it has time to kick in might help.
Is he getting plenty of exercise during the day? Is he getting screen time in the later afternoons or evenings? The blue light from screens can disrupt sleep.
As for not wanting dada, things like that generally run in cycles; there will likely be a similar shift in the other direction at some point, where Dad's the flavor of the the day and you're left wondering if you did something to offend him.