Also at the moment we do not have any routine, rather mess. She can wake up any time after 4 am or 5am and is yawing, rubbing eyes, moving head to sides to go back to sleep but of course she cant. She can spend hour or more trying to sleep back. I am feeding her by 6am, and trying to put her back to sleep if she is like 2hr awake. She will take more than 2 hours to fall asleep or more. Nap only 36mins or so. Then I am letting her stay 30mins more in bed. She isnt sleeping anymore o course. Then bottle and putting her down after 1hrs as the catnap is making her tired. And so on.
Today routine was like this:
wu 4.46 am, she couldnt settle to sleep more so I put her on the swing to extend her night sleep.
5.50am - 7.05am slept in swing, then bottle & baby rice
played a bit & put her in the swing for nap by 8.30am but she fell asleep 9.50am till 11.05am (yawing, rubbing eyes, moving head to sides, suckling thumb etc)
on wake up bottle & play. Put her back in swing by 12.30, she slept 13.18 to 14.35
on wake up bottle & solids, play.
put her for the last nap by 15.50 but she fell asleep 16.45 and slept till 17.20!
on wake up bottle, then after a while solids and quiet time, aiming at 19.20 bedtime.
Shes not asleep untill 20.38!!
night wake up & early morning wake up is guaranteed!