normally does a good 4/5 hour stint and after that she wakes every 1.5-2 hours until morning
5hrs is classed as sleeping through the night so she's doing brilliantly to manage that.
If she was previously sleeping longer than 40 mins she might need a little extra A time, maybe try putting down (or sling) 5 or 10 mins later than you are doing and see if it helps.
my LG doesn’t seem to like shhh patt at all.
Some refluxers do not like to be patted as it can be uncomfortable for them. Instead try a rub either on the back if you are holding her in arms or in the sling or rub her side/nappy area/hip if she's in the cot. Or if in the cot try a firm hand and a small but quite rapid motion like a jiggle, tiny movement a bit like being in a car or pram. That's what I did with my DS as he didn't like patting (when he was older the odd time I patted he said "Can you stop that, it doesn't help you know!".
Instead of shushing you could try white noise or a song or key phrase. Mine had a song I repeated over and over (every nap every night every NW...I sang it a LOT over the years!) and I also introduced key phrases which I repeated like a mantra rather than shushing.
Jiggling can be moved into the cot and can be weaned slowly with an on/off stop/start process just the same as patting.
It may also help to know that Tracy wrote in one of her books that if you do need to rock LO to sleep move in a forward backward motion rather than side to side as it better replicates the motion of being in the womb (ie walking or if you are standing still then put one foot forward and shift weight forward and backward).
Wanting to suck can be for comfort or hunger but can also be a sign that the reflux is not controlled. Some refluxers can sometimes like to suck to reduce the pain, the swallowing helps. It's also fine to take smaller more frequent feeds and not necessarily move to 3hrs or 4hrs at those guidance ages. Mine didn't move past 3hr E until 6 months when there was solids between each milk feed.
hope this helps some