DS will be 3 in a couple of weeks but we have been struggling with ridiculously early waking for the last few weeks now. He's always been an early riser but we got to about 6.30am at one point which I thought was great (anything after 6am is good in my book!).. but now we are back to consistent wake ups of about 5.20am or earlier, this morning it was 4.50!

He just gets up at that time and wanders about the upstairs landing. We continuously put him back to bed over and over again but it just doesn't work. I usually end up getting up with him by 6am desperately trying not to wake up DS1 (5yrs) who will be back at school next week and needs his sleep. We've tried gro-clock, doesn't work, he just ignores it or switches it off himself!
He's waaay too tired during the day, his behaviour is getting worse and by about 11am he's flinging himself around the place and is very overtired. He usually has a nap of about an hour at 1ish but is nearly always grumpy when he wakes up, goes to bed at about 7pm but recently has also started resisting bedtime and is taking until nearly 8 to get to sleep. So in all he's only getting about 10 hours sleep a day which cant be enough!!
Feels like we are in a vicious cycle of overtiredness and I just don't know what to do!! If he naps any longer he's even worse at bed time. To add to the mix he starts preschool next week, 3 x afternoons a week where he won't be able to nap all day. Part of me is hoping that is what finally makes him sleep longer at night...!
At our wits end and don't know what else to try!!! Any suggestions?!