Author Topic: 21mth Old, frequent night wakings and now naps getting shorter too :(  (Read 3152 times)

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Offline Zagorich

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Hi all,
Hoping someone has some advice or a new direction to go in as I've tried everything. My 21mth old is waking multiple times a night. Generally 12, 3 and 5. Then up for the day at 7. She goes to bed with no issues, I take her back to bed with no issues. But it keep happening. Now her naps are going from 1.5/2hrs down to 20-30mins. She's exhausted. I'm exhausted. The whole family is at its wits end.

It started more than four months ago. Her 18mth sleep regression hit, in October, when we were all sick with multiple viruses back-to-back for 5 weeks. Alot of co sleeping and multiple days naps. But we worked through it and got her back into her crib. The multiple wakings kept happening though. Go in, stick her pacifier in. No worries.
December, she started trying to climb out of her crib, so we moved to a big bed. Few nights of crying, 'camping out' and putting her back. No problems. But the night waking kept happening.
January, I thought maybe it's her pacifier. It falls out and she wakes asking for it. So we got rid of them. One fussy night. Fixed. Never asked for it again. But the night wakings kept going.
I've tried camping out, I've tried letting her fuss, I've tried being nice, being stern, not saying anything. But it keeps happening. We take her out for huge days and run her ragged, keeps happening. We have a good wind down before bed. She's well fed. She suffers with colic on and off but tells me when that's the issue. I've put her back on full time meds for that to rule it out. She's not cold, she's not hot. She communicates well. I just need some help. Please. We need our sleep back!

Her night is 8 - 7, nap is 12 till 1:30/2, when it's good.

Thankyou for reading.

Offline Haribo2012

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Re: 21mth Old, frequent night wakings and now naps getting shorter too :(
« Reply #1 on: March 01, 2019, 07:00:21 am »
Hi there

It’s so hard when you just cant figure it out, and sometimes honestly you just can’t.
With my DS1 sleep was awful at this age and nothing I did fixed it (sorry) but there was a huge language explosion that I think was the culprit.

Have you tried pushing the nap later? Say 1pm and see if she will sleep?
How is she in the night? Happy, chatty of upset?x

Offline Zagorich

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Re: 21mth Old, frequent night wakings and now naps getting shorter too :(
« Reply #2 on: March 03, 2019, 19:53:06 pm »
Most days, she's cranky by 11 and asking for bed. If she has a bad night, then she'll be asleep by 9am on the couch. I've tried moving the nap both forward and back to see if it would help and it didn't.
At night when she wakes, she clearly tries to go back to sleep. I slept with her a few nights ago out of sheer exhaustion and she still kept waking and would then lay beside me and fuss and toss but try to go back to sleep
I've started a diary of what we have for dinner and how the night goes to see if there is a correlation as I'm worried it may be reflux. The past few nights she's had trouble getting to sleep and comes out crying with her hands cupped in front of her mouth(this has always been her way of saying her mouth hurts). Hoping the food/sleep diary can point me in a clearer direction.
I'm just so exhausted that a little virus that my older daughter brought home has given me bad tonsillitis while the rest of the family only had sniffles for a few days :(

Thankyou for your reply ❤

Offline Katet

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Re: 21mth Old, frequent night wakings and now naps getting shorter too :(
« Reply #3 on: March 03, 2019, 20:51:00 pm »
Have you had a Dr check her ears?
It could also be teething as she’s at the peak time for molars and canines to be moving and pressure under the gums. They can hurt for weeks before they erupt.
dc1 July 03, dc2 May 05