Hoping someone can help. We have a 10-week-old son and so far we've been unable to implement any kind of EASY routine. I offer him a feed when he wakes up. His feeds (mainly breastfeeding with an occasional bottle of expressed milk or formula) are always interrupted by him becoming uncomfortable with a wet and/or dirty nappy, so he gets changed, then gets to either finish the feed and, without us intending to, he falls asleep, or we give him tummy time/playmat/bouncy chair for around 20 minutes, then finish the feed and he gets bothered by his nappy again. Gets changed again, then we swaddle him and try tow shush and pat him to sleep, but he thrashes around in our arms, curiously looks around while yawning and cries/screams. Once we offer him more milk, he takes a few sips and falls asleep. He can then be put down for a 30-45 minute nap, before the exact same starts again!
We do try to watch the length of his awake time to be under 1.5 hours, usually waiting for the first yawn/spaced out glance/him rubbing his face, but it seems that when he yawns, the window for putting him down had already closed. He cries from what we assume is overtiredness, so we then resort to rocking which I didn't want to introduce, also shushing and patting until he tires himself out by crying in our arms and falls asleep. After 5-10 minutes we lower him into the Moses basket or cot and he stays asleep for one sleep cycle (longer at night, 1-3 hours at a time, presumably due to the sleep-inducing hormones in my milk or his body clock).
At night we feed when he stirs but while he is half asleep, then change when he gets fussy mid-feed, this sometimes involves a whole outfit change if the nappy had leaked. By this point, he is awake and needs settling, which we do by finishing his feed. This works every time, unless he dirties his nappy again, then the cycle repeats.
What can we change to make it an EASY routine and to make putting him down for a nap less of an exhausting battle? I believe sleep training and routine are beneficial to children long term, so don't want to keep going the way we have.