Hi I have a 21 month old boy and have followed the baby whisperer pretty much from day 1. We’ve had periods of disrupted sleep but he sleeps independently and only really wakes in the night if unwell. For the past couple of months however his awake time can vary by 1.5 hours and bedtime seems to be getting later. Our routine is:
WU-Between 5.30-7am
Nap-1-2.30 (Always stick to this time)
BT- In bed by 7.20pm but often not asleep until 8pm
I’m not sure if he’s getting enough sleep in total? If he wakes early he will stay in his cot for 30-40 mins. He eats well, talks a lot. I have tried leaving him to sleep at lunchtimes for longer but this just results in BT getting later. If he wakes at 7am and goes to bed at 8pm this is fine with me but when he wakes at 5.30am for no apparent reason I dont get it! He’s then grumpy by 10am and falling asleep on the way to an activity. I still stick to nap at the same time but can’t get him to go to sleep any earlier at night even if I put him down by 7pm. His room is very dark and pitch black at 5.30am.
Any thoughts??