Author Topic: 3:2 Nap Transition.  (Read 1704 times)

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Offline JCN

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3:2 Nap Transition.
« on: April 25, 2019, 18:58:18 pm »
I’ve had a scroll through the pinned thread but it seems like it hasn’t been active for a while...

DS2 has just turned 6 months. Current EASY looks like this:

WU 6:15 (can sometimes be 6:30)
E: 6:30/7:00
A: 2.5hours
S: 8:45 - 10:00/10:15 (I wake him after 90mins)

E: 11:00
A: 2.5hours
S: 12:30/45 - 14:00 (i wake him after 90mins)

E: 15:00
A: 2h15-30
S: CN around 16:15/30 for 20-30mins (awake by 16:50)

E: 18:45
S/BT: 19:00

E (NFs): 22:00/30 (DF here if he doesn’t wake himself) and 02:00/03:00

My problem is that the CN is now proving difficult. He often needs APOP to fall asleep as he isn’t tired enough, and then at BT is now wide awake and chatting when I put him down (normally self settles by 19:15, sometimes starts to get OT and needs APOP)

I feel like I’m in this no man’s lands where he probably doesn’t need to catnap anymore but I’m not sure he can drop to 2 naps?

Any ideas for a suggested routine with 2hr30 or perhaps 2h45 A time? Or shall I just start pushing towards 2 naps?