Author Topic: Nappy change before feeding 4 week old  (Read 7203 times)

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Nappy change before feeding 4 week old
« on: June 14, 2020, 07:33:33 am »

I'm new here and a first time mum to a 4 week old.  LO was born at 36 weeks and weight 5lb 12o, but she is doing amazingly and was above her birth weight 10 days post birth and has continued to gain weight. Feeling a little overwhelmed with the ever changing amount of sleep and lack of routine in my life so would like to try the EASY method.

For now I have just one main question/topic I was hoping one of you lovely people would be able to offer me some advice on -

We change LO's nappy before she has her feed. LO will wake from a nap/sleep a little grotty, so we change her and then feed her. We have tried changing her after a feed but most of the time she will get herself all worked up and distressed, she is then impossible to get back to sleep. She generally will fall asleep feeding but is easy to wake, we then burp her and give her a cuddle. She may fall asleep when cuddling so we put her down in her basket or we put her down before she has fully fallen asleep and is drowsy. I'm worried this is all totally wrong and we're setting ourselves up for bad habits.
