Author Topic: Night wakings or waking right after 30 mins at night time sleep??  (Read 5067 times)

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Offline Mommyadel

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Baby is 4 months old or 19 weeks and daytime naps are ok... I usually keep her up for about 2hrs to 2hr and 30 mins ( or in between depending on sleep cues.) and she usually naps for about 1hr 30mins to about 2hrs. She is exclusively breastfeeding and won’t take a bottle or soother and god knows I’ve tried! When I put her down for sleep it’s usually about after about 2hrs from her last nap even if it’s been only a 30 min nap. But she usually wakes again 30 mins after puttting her down. Some days I can get her down for the night at 7/7:30 TIL about 8:30 ish the next day( she wakes to feed, but goes right back to bed). What am I doing wrong or what should the awake times be for her age? And if she on naps 30mins was the awake time too long ?? I’m so lost, it’s my third and yet I still h ent figured it out HELP!!