Well...a lot of stuff with hidden sugar and modified starches..
No 'no name brand' or 'Presidents choice' replicas of any sort...For example, Petite Danon's, but NOT other brands because of the sugar content. A lot of no name brands can be sold for less because they are filled with modified starches and sugar and other additives.
Becel or Butter, no other margarines because of the crap that is in them.
Flax seed toast for fibre..apple sauce daily (sugarless)
If you buy for example, hientz baby food, check the sugar content on the fruits, not all are equal....no arrowroot or baby crackers/biscuits or snacks, he eats wheat thins and the mini brettons...
Finding balance....knowing what foods have higher starch content and balance them out with a more fiber-ous food like squash, beans, etc...
Connor is on whole milk exclusively...the formula had way too much iron in it, causing constipation...
In a nutshell, he was reacting to sugar and salt with his behaviour (wicked tantrums), and secondly, some things were causing severe constipation one day, then then next he would have diahreaha....
Seems his sleeping problems were at least somewhat related to not feeling well...he's sleeping better, and eating better, and he's a completely different little boy...