In addition to what all the pps have written, I'd like to comment that until 1 year, babies don't actually need solid food for nutrition, virtually all of the nutrition they require is found in babymilk (breast or formula), and so the purpose of introducing solid foods is not for them to Eat it so much as to explore it, work out what it is and what to do with it (an Activity).
There is a risk with spoon-feeding that babies and parents can feel pressured for their los to Eat/swallow far greater quantities of solid foods than they need and this can have a negative impact on babies' milk intake (the food they really need) - milk intake should really remain at the pre-solids quantity until 9-10 months, with solid foods topping-up, and then the quantities sort of even out, and eventually milk does become a drink and solid foods the main meals from 12 months.
Think of milk as the Eat in EASY, and the solid foods as an Activity, this means that babies fill up on the milk, top up on solid foods, it takes the pressure off you all and makes sure that they get the nutrition they need! If you do ever find that solid foods are replacing milk feeds before 9 months, you need to cut back on the amount of solid foods offered and really prioritise the milk!
So I guess what I'm saying is, don't worry if your los don't seem interested in solid foods, they don't need them nutritionally, and have plenty of time to practice until they do!