Hi all
My DD is 1 years old and when she wakes in the night thats it, shes not sleepy and theres no way I can get her to go back down. Shes going to bed about 7pm and wakes in the night at different times but usually between 1 and 3 am and if i try to get her to go back down she screams blue murder and wriggles so much i cant hold her. She wont cuddle, just wants to get up. Ive resorted to getting up with her for about 2 hours until she gets sleepy again and i kmow this is so the wrong thing to do i just dont know what else to do??? I live in a pub and have B+B residents staying so I cant let her cry cos I worry she will wake them!! If I try PUPD she screams bule murder as well and has taken to headbutting the side of the cot!! Has anyone got any ideas or just a friendly word
A very tired Mummy :shock: