Author Topic: 10 month old refusing to sleep through - HELP  (Read 2517 times)

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Offline Nikki60

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10 month old refusing to sleep through - HELP
« on: July 29, 2005, 19:30:04 pm »
Please could somebody explain the PUPD method. My ten month old son will not sleep through the night. He goes to bed between 7 and 8, and will sleep until 1 / 2am. Then he won't go back to slepp until he has a bottle. Dummy doesn't sooth him. Desperate for sleep as am working FT and its killing me. Am off for summer holidays now so want to get it cracked whilst I can recover during the day!
Does anyone have any suggestions? :idea:

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10 month old refusing to sleep through - HELP
« Reply #1 on: July 30, 2005, 14:24:34 pm »
I am having the exact same problem with my 9 month old.  I go back to work in a month and want to figure out what to do too.  Right now he takes 4 oz. during the night.  I think I'm going to switch to 3 oz. and gradually down to 1 oz.  I'm not sure if that will work.  Nothing will soothe him either.  My ds's bedtime is about the same as yours and sure enough he wakes up between midnight and 2:00 for a bottle.

He then goes back to sleep until 6:00.  I'm not sure if PU/PD will work for my ds at this point. 

Sorry I couldn't help you, but just know you're not alone for that 1:00 a.m. feeding!



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10 month old refusing to sleep through - HELP
« Reply #2 on: July 30, 2005, 19:29:58 pm »
HI there,
No, you are not alone.  My Samuel finally started sleeping through the night around 10 months, but really it was not due to anything I had been doing.  His waking was always at different times (between 12 and 3)...and he would be awake until he was tried water, rocking, PUPD (he would go back to sleep eventually, but wake up 10 min later).  Give him 4 oz of milk, and he would down it, then fall back asleep in his crib independently.   He just turned one (YAY), but he seems to have a rule that he can only sleep through for two nights in a row.  I'm going back to work in September and want better sleep too!! 

One thing that I did find decreased how much he had at  night was add water to his bottle.  SO if he usually drank 6oz, I halfed it.  3 oz milk and 3 oz water.  THen a few night later I only gave him 4 oz (2 oz of each), etc...  This was at the time he started to sleep through.  Then he was sick, teething etc... so we were back to square one, but I think it was beneficial to get onto the method of decreasing the milk at night.  No matter how much food I gave him in the day, he wouldn't really eat more.

Sorry I can't give you a magic cure...I would love one myself.  What I do now is when he wakes up, I give him water first.  If he still fusses and I know his teeth might be bugging him I give him motrin or tylenol and give it time to work.  If he still fusses, then I give him 4 oz of milk.

Lately, water often does the trick.  I don't know if it is a maturity thing, or a milk thing.  He is now off formula and on homo milk.  My sisters girl started sleeping through the night when she was switched to homo milk.  Who knows???

Good luck and you aren't alone during the wee hours!!

Mom to Samuel born July 27, 2004
 and to Julianna born Dec 26, 2006

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10 month old refusing to sleep through - HELP
« Reply #3 on: August 01, 2005, 00:23:35 am »
there is a sleep interview with tracy at the top of this forum where she goes into detail about PU/PD. Check it out, and post back with questions!!
Mommy to
Kiandra Diane 6-11-03
Kalli Louise 9-20-04
And Kiersten Angeline 4-25-06

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10 month old refusing to sleep through - HELP
« Reply #4 on: August 01, 2005, 05:09:07 am »

My ds was also still waking until quite late for a feed.  We weaned him off by reducing the amount offered by 0.5 oz every second night and he came off his night feeds no problem at all and the night wakings became just short settles then eventually disappeared altogether.

Give this a go, I'm not very patient when it comes to nights so needed something that didn't require too much will power on my part.

Good luck

Offline Nikki60

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Thank you!
« Reply #5 on: August 09, 2005, 18:55:23 pm »
Thanks for all the replies. Good to know its not just me. Sometimes I could cheerfully strangle all my friends and colleagues who keep asking "isn't he sleeping yet?"
We have gone cold turkey on the night feed and so far so good. The first night it took an hour to get him off to sleep by rocking and PUPD. The second night he slept until 7am! Now each night is different but he doesn't cry for his bottle and is slowly going to sleep easier every night.
Hopefully a full nights sleep is on the way for everybody!

Offline lil_angie88

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10 month old refusing to sleep through - HELP
« Reply #6 on: August 11, 2005, 17:10:20 pm »
My son did the same thing...He was always waking up around 2-3am and I would automatically go to his room, pick him up and bring him into bed to me so that I could nurse him. And then it was brought to my attention that by that age (around 9 months) they could sleep through the night without a feeding. So, Dh and I decided we were ready for the task and for the next few nights, instead of nursing him, I would send Dh in there to calm Jaden down with a paci or shushing or PUPD....Within a few days, he was doing better but got sick and we were back to square one again :roll:  :roll:  Now, at 10 months, even with us going through another bout of teething, Jaden sleeps roughly from 9pm - 7am! That is a huge improvement for us and that leaves me lots of time for myself...Nikki60, it will get better, you just need to persevere...It sounds like you're on the right track! Good luck to you! :D
Me: Angela - 29
Dh: Ben - 29

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10 month old refusing to sleep through - HELP
« Reply #7 on: August 12, 2005, 10:42:47 am »
My daughter is 10 months and when she started doing this (ages ago), we started giving her a bottle in her sleep before we went to bed.  Since she started solids, she only has 2-3 bottles a day so I didnt really want her to stop having it just stop having it at 2am!  The feed doesnt wake her... I usually give her a little bit of infacol at the end of the bottle to stop her getting wind since she is lying down and it's hard for her to burp etc.  I find this works really well. 

If it's still not quite enough to sustain them, you can put a scoop of farex (rice cereal) in the bottle as well... this is a great trick if they ever crash for the night without their dinner.  You need to use a teat with a big enough hole for the farex to go through.

Hope this helps!
