In the last 2 days dd has decided half way through her meal that she needs a spoon and needs to "help". Her food is all puree( wont eat lumps or finger food) so you can imagine the fun and games. She puts the handle of the spoon into the bowl and then waves it around the place, makes no attempt to put it near or even in the general direction of her mouth. Dh says I shouldn't give her the spoon as she will get used to it and want it all the time. I know she is getting independant and wants to copy whatever she sees me doing and I know she will eventually have to feed herself, but should I hold out a bit longer and try to distract her in other ways. If she doesnt get the spoon she stops eating and tries to pull the spoon away from me, if I give it to her, yeah theres a mess which I dont mind too much and I get a bit more food into her. She is only gone 10 months so is it a bit young to start self feeding?
Many thanks for advice
Mom to Leah 23/09/04