No, I offer him one breast each feed since he was born and I compress the breast I feed each time to make sure he doesn't need any more and sometimes I think he may be hungry I offer him the other breast but he doesn't seem to need it as he comes off and as he is a greedy and sometimes I've offered him the other breast he has vomited some minutes later I do not feel to much confidence in offering him more than one breast just in case he vomites it.
During day he keeps with his routine of 3 hours feeding, at 10 , 13, 16, 19 and 21, what has changed is the routine of the nigth, I've also tryed including the dreamfeed at 23 but this doesn't seem to work because he wakes up then at 12 or at 1 am and sometimes he wakes up completely after df so after df I have to spend about 45 minutes trying him to get asleep again.
Another thing that has changed at the same time is that when it was time to sleep at nigth it took him to much time to get asleep, and he's never done it by himself by now (I've also tryed to tie him but he doesn't like it and now he has learnt to get untied so it doesn't work, I've ordered a magical blanket to see if this helps) but as soon as he got asleep he didn't woke up until the feed of 3-4 am and now, everyday since this change has happened he wakes up after 30-45 minutes and it takes me another 45 minutes to get him asleep again. (His day naps do not last more than 30-45 minutes)
I don't know if it has any relation with all these changes the fact that they 've just begun just after a weekend with lots of people in our house (when normally we have quite little visits), last saturday 23 of july we baptized him and as my husband's family lives 600 kms away from here they came and spend 3 days with us (7 people), carrying him in the arms, with quite a lot of stimulation and new faces during the all day. The weekend the family stayed at home he slept fine, from 9 until 5 am but sudenly, on monday after they left our house all these changes began, I don't know if they have any relation.