I had my beautiful son on New Year's day this year (2005). Thanks to Tracy for a wonderful start to his and my life and mine as a mummy. I read her book, I followed what she said and I have the most lovely natured child. He slept in his nursery after 2 weeks, and slept through the night after 8 weeks. He is now 7 months old, has just cut his first tooth and sleeps from 7.30pm till 7.30am, and still has 4 sleeps in the day. E.A.S.Y is just what it is.
Tracy was a wonderful lady, and I agree, she is now an angel looking down on us all and watching over us. I hope the wonderful messages on this site give great comfort to her family and I am sure they are really proud of what their wonderful mum achieved and will continue to achieve. We will always have her words of wisdom to guide us.
I tell everyone about the baby whisperer - she certainly made my experience of motherhood a truly wonderful one.
Thank you Tracy - God Bless.