I'm certainly not an expert on the EASY routine as my lo is only 6 weeks old. However, I've been experimenting with the swaddle. My lo used to love the swaddle and around 4 weeks started focusing all of his energy on getting out of it when it was time to wind down and sleep. I found 2 great suggestions on this website and it has been working wonders for me. 1) the Aussie swaddle (see sleep section "Swaddling Technique (aka "Aussie swaddle") "and 2) the miracle blanket (
I re-attached 2 different Aussie swaddle instructions, however I really had to practice this swaddle to get it just right. (note: I took Ferbit's pictures and put them into 1 PDF doc to make it easier to read) I basically followed Ferbit's Aussie BW combination, but made sure to tuck the sheet under his bottom as indicated in steps 3 and 6 of the wrap.pdf.
I hope that helps with the swaddling!!
(ugghh I'm having problems attaching the 2 files. I'll come back and attach them, but in the meantime you can get to the same information I got to via the Swaddling Technique posting.)