Ok I just wanted to continue my other post and get as many suggestions as possible. As some of you may recall, our problem has been early waking (5-5:45) and not good naps (1.5 hours which for my daughter is NOT enough)....she is 16 months old.
5:45 a.m. awoke for the day...she was still visibly tired...whiny but not crying. I went in to get her at 6:30 a.m. - her old time of waking
6:30 a.m. milk
7:15 a.m. breakfast
9-10:30 park
11:00 lunch (which she barely ate because she was so so so tired)
11:15 (put her in crib, she fell asleep by 11:25ish) - 12:55 nap (woke up crying)
1:00 p.m. offered more lunch - didn't want it
2:30-4:30 shopping and park
5:30 dinner
6:00 bath
6:30 in crib (she talked until 7:30 though)....
4:45 a.m. crying & talking for 5 minutes and then quiet on her own
5:00 a.m. crying (I am guessing she never went back to sleep like I had though)
5:08 a.m. really crying so I went in there. I brought her Motrin just in case her teeth hurt. I think they did because her whole arm was in her mouth. She took the Motrin and then I laid her down. I then laid on her floor. She never stood up again (pu/pd won't work obviously) but she did look over to me 3 times to see if I was still there. I would just shh to let her know I was there. She would lay perfectly still for 5 mins at a time and then toss and turn. I then unplugged her monitor because the little button made so so so much light! She then cried (guess she thought I left) I "shhed" and she went to sleep about 10 minutes later
5:50 a.m. I left the room, she was asleep
6:35 a.m. awake...talking so far....
Anyway, I am guessing that she is way overtired .... today I am doing strict naptime at 11...snack before hand and lunch after. any other suggestions? Since she talks so much before falling asleep at night, should I keep a 7:00 bedtime or continue to move it up to 6:30? How much awake time is normal at 16 months? Thank you so much for your advice!