I am hoping to get some ideas from you experienced ladies out there! My baby seems to have some eating issues and I cannot for the life of me figure out what to do.
We were originally giving her Good Start and this was causing her to be constipated and she was constantly wriggling and crying and would not eat much and want to eat often.
We just switched her to Similac Lactose Free at the suggestion of our ped and at first, things seemed great. Her poops were loose and mustardy and she was much calmer. However, she still does not each much at a sitting but wants to eat constantly. She will go from happy and cooing to EXTREMELY fussy to the point of scream/crying. We try everything to sooth her and nothing works until we put a bottle in her mouth and she settles instantly. Most times she takes less than 1-2oz and goes back to being little miss happy pants. I have tried getting her back on track but even the times she has a full 4oz bottle, she will do the screaming/crying an hour later.
I think it may be some sort of tummy problems but I am not so sure if milk allergy is the problem due to the fact that she shows no signs of food allergy.
Any help or advice or ideas would be greatly appreciated.