My daughter will be 12 weeks on Thursday. We've been battling trush so she has not nursed all that well for about a week or so but goes about 3 1/2 to 4 hours during the day. I dream fed her at 10 for 2 nights in a row and she woke between 5 and 6 for a feeding and ate well. First night she went right back to sleep, second night took some patting and shushing. So last night, I dream fed her later hoping she'd wake up after 6 am or even seven so we can start our day. We'll she woke up at 5.20 ish was wide awake and could not settle herself. I tried pat shush but to no avail she started the hungry cry. So I gave her a bottle and she had all of it (some 4 oz - which is what she has at her dream feed too). I then had to pat shush her back to dream land.
So, since she had the whole bottle I am thinking this has to do with her growth spurt and our nursing problems during the day or do you think we are starting a bad habitual waking/accidental parentin problem?