Author Topic: Help - pls check my plan of action for weaning night feeds  (Read 1251 times)

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Offline twoblacklabs

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Help - pls check my plan of action for weaning night feeds
« on: September 17, 2005, 13:39:41 pm »
We are trying to use Tracy's suggestion from her first book by using the paci to wean out unnecessary night feeds.  DS is 11.5 weeks old and for the past two weeks + he's been waking four times a night and I've (stupidly) been breastfeeding him every time.  He would eat (suck) for between 5 - 10 minutes and then zonk out.   I've realized now that I've created a monster, and I want to eliminate all but one feeding for now.

He's been getting up for the first time about 3 hours after he goes down.  Last night when he woke up at 12:45, DH picked him up and gave him the paci to suck.  He sucked for about 10 minutes, maybe less, and then spit the pacifier out and went back to sleep until 3 am.  At 3, DH gave him a bottle (we give him formula mixed with BM every night before bed - usually between 8:30 and 9:30 - and then I had DH give him formula when he got up to feed) and he drank 3 oz.  DH also changed his diaper mid-feed.

He went back to sleep again after that, and then was pretty restless the rest of the night.  He slept until about 5:10, and DH used the paci to try to get him back to sleep.  He would pick him up if he was crying, give him the paci to suck, and then put him down.  He would fall asleep, but wouldn't spit the paci out.  DH would try to take it out after about 10 minutes, and he'd wake up and the process would start all over again.

He eventually fell asleep at 6am and woke up again at 6:30, and the paci wasn't doing it for him anymore.  I breastfed him, and he ate for 10 minutes (I thought my boobs were going to explode because I hadn't fed him all night!).  I put him back down in the bassinet because he was pretty much sleeping, but he woke right away.  DH picked him up and held him in bed and they just got up around 9am.

Tonight, I am hoping he won't even wake for the paci the first time, but if he does DH will give it to him in the bassinet and he'll likely spit it out when he falls back asleep. 

I'm not sure what the best thing to do after that is at this point.

Should we be doing this one feed at a time?  Or are we on the right track trying to eliminate the extra feeds all at once?

Is it okay to just leave him in his bassinet tonight the first time he wakes?

For the wakings after his feed, should we let him keep the paci in his mouth if he's got a good grip on it or should we continue trying to get it away from him after he's off to dreamland.  My fear is he'll wake up on his own when it falls out and we start a pattern of constantly putting it back in.

We tried taking the paci away completely because we were afraid he'd become dependent on it (he would always use it to fall asleep except at night) and I felt cruel because he can't get his thumb in his mouth quite yet, although he's trying hard.  I think he'll have it soon, and I can't wait!

He's a decent napper.  Until recently, he'd only nap for about 30 minutes several times a day, but now he's been going closer to 40 every time.  He'll fall asleep fairly quickly with the paci in his crib.  I may have to replace it a time or two when he spits it out and fusses for it, but he's pretty good about holding it in as long as he needs it.

I'm sorry this is so long... we're desperate to make this right, and I just want to make sure we're on the right track with this.

Any advice would be very much appreciated!

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Help - pls check my plan of action for weaning night feeds
« Reply #1 on: September 17, 2005, 17:02:17 pm »
I don't have much advice, because this is when it started getting bad for us too.  For a lucky week, our lo was only waking once to eat, but then he regressed and started waking every 1-3 hours again. It was worse than having a newborn, because we know he wasn't hungry all those times, he just wanted comforting.  At about 11.5 weeks, I finished weaning him from BF to all formula (for other reasons), but it helped us to know how much he was getting, so we could regulate his feedings a bit.  What we do now is  make sure he gets all the calories he needs for a 24 hour period during the day, put him to sleep at the usual 7-8pm time and then wake him up for a dream feed at around 11pm.  When he wakes again, in the middle of the night, we use other soothing techniques (the sh-sh, pa-pat) to get him back to sleep.  We are using this process to get him off of the pacifier too, because that is what seemed to have caused a lot of the problems in the first place.  He was waking frequently so we would put it back in for him, it got out of control.  He's having a hard time without the pacifier, but is lasting 7 hours without a feeding.  Your baby should be able to skip one feeding at night as long as you are tanking him up during the day.  Try cluster feeding in the evening, just before bed.  If he normally goes every 3-4 hours during the day, feed him every 2-3 for a few feedings.  He is hitting a growth spurt, so he is probably more hungry, but if he's falling asleep while eating, he's snacking too much and should be held out a little longer so he's good an hungry when the time comes to eat. 

I hope you find something that works for you, we are just starting the sleep training and I can see that it is working, but boy is it rough for a while.

Grayson born 5/28/05
A Spirited and slightly Touchy little guy[/img][/URL]

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Help - pls check my plan of action for weaning night feeds
« Reply #2 on: September 18, 2005, 15:04:26 pm »
hi there,

i think you've got 2 things to sort out - the snacking at night, and the short naps during the day.  usually when naps aren't so good during the day (waking up crying after 40 min, etc.) it affects night sleep.  you may want to check out the posts on short naps on the nap board for more ideas on how to lengthen them.

re the night feeding... it is normal for some babies to still need 1 night feed.  if you want to keep the 3am-ish one for now, that'll probably work.

the key is to stay consistent.  some regression is normal at first, but if you stay predictable, you'll help your lo sort it all out.

good luck & HTH
DD - Textbook
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Offline twoblacklabs

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Help - pls check my plan of action for weaning night feeds
« Reply #3 on: September 18, 2005, 15:44:41 pm »
We're on the right track... I don't want to jinx anything, but things are already starting to look up.

After picking up Tracy's second book, I decided to implement pat/shush and see how DS responded to it.  After his last bottle of the night, I p/s'd him to sleep w/in 20 minutes!  It was fantastic.  He slept until 2:15, which is longer than he's gone in awhile, and I attempted to p/s him back to sleep - he was almost there, but when 3am rolled around he wasn't having it.  We decided just to give him the bottle and he consumed 4 ounces w/in 10-15 minutes!  He was definitely hungry.  He was p/s'd to sleep again and was out by 3:30.  He was up again at 5:20, but one thing at a time!

I'm just glad to see we were able to stretch out that first chunk, and he didn't use the paci all night, either.  P/s'ing seemed to be a decent replacement.  I'm sure it helped that he was really tired, but not o/tired.  We'll see what happens tonight, but we plan to keep up the same routine as long as it takes.

And this morning he napped for *2* hours, and he's sleeping again now and it's been about 45 minutes.  I think getting nights straightened out will help naps and vice/versa.

Thanks for the support, and I'm sure I'll be back for more advice... this parenting thing sure is tough, but it's nice to have somewhere to turn for help!