Author Topic: Suddenly shorter naps at 5 months  (Read 3180 times)

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Offline Aarismom

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Suddenly shorter naps at 5 months
« Reply #15 on: September 22, 2005, 17:14:13 pm »
Sophiesma--I do much the same thing with my lo's nap schedule :) I try to keep it consistant for biorhythmical reasons. Usually her naps fall within a half hour of the schedule every day, occasionally an hour if she happens to take a 45 min nap. But if that happens, especially if it's the afternoon nap, I put her to about an hour earlier, because her third nap ends up being an hour earlier.

We're pretty much out of the woods here too--still working on the afternoon nap somewhat though. The past few days I've had no luck extending it, and she starts crying out for me after 15 or 20 mins of being in her crib awake (which is new; she usually plays quietly.) Makes me think that those days all she really needs is a 45 min nap, because I (for the life of me) can't settle her back down to sleep, which is pretty unusual.

I think I may have just gotten her to go back to sleep for her second nap today though--we shall see :)

Feels great to be getting things back to some semblace of normal, doesn't it!

Sonya =P

Texbook/Angel LO
April 26, 2005