My LO also gets a little wacky going back and forth between one nap and two naps. We have weeks where it's two and he really seems to need them both, but then he'll refuse one of the naps completely and we're on a one nap schedule and he acts a little cranky the following day. It definitely helps that I still give him the quiet time in his room (I put him in his crib as if it were a nap) during the late afternoon. So, he technically takes one nap, but he has two breaks throughout the day.
Could you try putting her to bed a little earlier and maybe she'll get a little more consolidated sleep during the night? ??
I would try with just 15 minutes at first just so her body can get use to the extra sleep at night. And add more time in 15 minute increments if it works for her. Otherwise she might just sleep for her usual 10 hours, but wake up earlier. Yikes!
That's all I can think of-- keep us posted!