Author Topic: he can't be allergic to all foods.... can he?  (Read 2406 times)

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he can't be allergic to all foods.... can he?
« on: September 27, 2005, 20:40:43 pm »
i waited to start luke on food until he was 6 months old.  in the past 2 months, he's had rice cereal, carrots, sweet potatoes, yellow squash, and apples.

he was on the cereal for almost a month before i started with the veggies, so i know he's okay with that. 

but i would try one new food for about a week, and each one seems to be causing all sorts of problems with his system.  his dirty diapers are explosive and much runnier than they used to be. 

so inbetween foods i would just stop and go back to a formula & cereal diet again and things start to clear up.

but there are no other signs of allergies - like fever or redness around his bottom or a rash of any kind.  he also does not seem to be super disturbed by any of this, but there are definitely times when his tummy is bugging him, so he's just irritable - and much happier once he has a dirty diaper.

your thoughts would be most appreciated.  TIA!!!
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Offline Tonya

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he can't be allergic to all foods.... can he?
« Reply #1 on: September 28, 2005, 18:31:03 pm »
Anytime they start a new food, their bowel movements change.
Runnier, harder, more/less frequent, etc.

It used to cause me great concern as well!  But if he doesn't seem bothered by it, other than the occasional tummy upset (which I think happens with all people), I wouldn't worry too much.

Maybe back off a certain food if you notice it is causing him a bit more grief than normal.

I could be wrong of course, as I am no doctor, but I don't think I'd suspect he was allergic to all foods.  Just MHO!
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he can't be allergic to all foods.... can he?
« Reply #2 on: September 28, 2005, 19:23:42 pm »
I think that if he was allergic to so many foods that he would have more than a tummy upset. You would probably see a rash at least. It does take them time for their tummies to get used to food, some longer than others. The temptation is to rush things and to make them more like us but try not to worry too much and I'm sure it will all settle down. Easier said than done I know, been there and still visit that place from time to time! Being a bit more gung ho these days

As it does it is possible you'll still have a food or two that makes him gripey and it could be an intolerance rather than an allergy.

Only time will tell.
