Hi all,
I just discovered this message board, and I'm thrilled to examples of how other people do the EASY routine.
I read Secrets while I was pregnant, and then forgot everything once Caleb was born. Now he is approaching 4 months, and I really want to work on some of our sleep issues. I just got Tracy's newest book and have been reading it in bits and pieces as my little guy naps in my lap.
Previously, I was following his cues and using a general EASY routine, however, we never do things at the same time everyday. I also used many of the techniques from the Happiest Baby on the Block, but he is past that newborn phase now. Joining a few mommy and baby groups really helped me in the beginning, and I hate to give those up, but I want to really start working on some of our sleep issues. I don't really like the idea of "scheduling" and would prefer to be a bit more flexible so that I can continue with our outings.
We have some sleep issues:
I'm a bit of a prop for him, and usually have to hold him, pat his back and rock him, with paci in his mouth until he falls asleep. I can then ease him into his crib - but at nap times, he usually wakes up after 45 minutes - so it was easier for me to hold him so that he got his two hour nap. At night he goes to bed between 8 and 9, and will sleep almost 6 hours, but then is up every two hours after that. And we get up between 7 and 8 am. He is not yet able to self sooth and will cry if I leave him in the crib too long waiting for him to go back to sleep. Also, I have not yet been successful at getting him to go to sleep on his own in the crib. He usually just wakes up more - and I'm not sure if the shush/pat thing is helping much.
I know I need to fix this, but I'm not sure if I can schedule him and stick it out.
Once you have established good sleep habits, can your EASY routine be more flexible?
Sorry for the long post. I just feel conflicted over this, and need some encouragement and advice!