Author Topic: My LO has stopped sleeping at night!!  (Read 1153 times)

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Offline jsmith328

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My LO has stopped sleeping at night!!
« on: October 02, 2005, 20:37:24 pm »
My lo is 7 weeks old. I have been doing a 3 hour routine and just last week i started the cluster feeding and dream feed after I read the book. It seems like a great idea but since I started the 2 hr feedings he has been waking up a lot more at night. He wass sleeping 4 hours then he would wake up and feed and go back to sleep for 2 or sometimes three. Lately he has been waking up at 1am or 2am to eat. The dream feed has been hard as I can't get him to bf for very long. He will sometimes go back to be but it takes up to an hour to put him back to sleep and then he has been waking up every two hours. I know he's not hungry, it's seems to be gas but I've tried the drops and they seem to make him more upset. I'm exauhsted and need some suggestions to help get him back on track with sleeping more than two hours at a time at night

Offline Kherzy

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My LO has stopped sleeping at night!!
« Reply #1 on: October 03, 2005, 02:48:14 am »
I don't have any suggestions for getting your LO back on track (I'm sleep deprived and can't think clearly) but I do know that they go through a growth spurt around 6-8 weeks and need more food during that time.  Also, Tracy says not to continue the cluster feeds past 8 weeks.  Hope that helps give you a little insight, even if it doesn't solve any problems.