I don't know if this is the right place to post, but we recently started having lots of trouble with 6 mo DS nightwakings (rolling over and unable to get back, starting solids and gas). DS falls asleep fine at bedtime, it usually starts about an hour after he goes to sleep. Our doctor suggested that all of the activity at night may be because DS should be having longer awake times or drop his late afternoon nap. Have other folks found this to be true? I am trying to move some of his awake times to 2 hr 15 min but he's only been doing 2 hr for a couple of weeks now. The trouble is, when his nighttime sleep is so disrupted he seems to want all of his naps during the day or he gets very touchy especially in the evening. Any ideas?
Here is his rough schedule now:
8 am Wake/bottle + solids
10 am nap (1-1.5 hr)
12 am bottle
1/1:30 pm nap (1.5-2 hr)
3:30 pm bottle
4:30 pm solids
5/5:30 catnap (35-45 min)
7 pm bottle
8 pm bedtime (usually falls asleep before this)
9-11 pm(rolls over/cries a couple of times)
11 pm dreamfeed
2:30-6 am (rolls over/cries a couple of times, sometimes talks to himself or the cat for a while)