Author Topic: This fits into all catorgories so chose to go with general.  (Read 1162 times)

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This fits into all catorgories so chose to go with general.
« on: October 05, 2005, 06:57:14 am »
Good Morning all.

I really need some advice regarding sleep.  My little boy is 6 weeks old and I have made some awful mistakes regarding getting him to sleep. Mistake one.   I am breast feeding, so when he was born at night I would feed him and let him fall asleep on me.  Most of the time I would then fall asleep too and wake two to three hours later for the next feed with him still on me. As a consequence he now only falls asleep on me and about 90% of the time if you put him down too soon he will wake up straight away and scream.  Mistake two.  Because he is breast fed he normally falls asleep with some one, and now I can not get him to fall asleep on his own.  I find it heartbreaking to just let him cry and usually end up nursing him back to sleep, that being my third mistake. Nursing him back to sleep, which makes it hard for my husband to lull him to sleep. I want to be able to put him down to sleep both at night and during the day without having to nurse him to sleep. Most of the time he just wants to suck and not feed but wont fall asleep with a dummy (which I hate giving him) or his thumb (which I am happier for him to suck).

I want to have a routine with my little boy and some time with my husband but at the moment I have no time with my husband and a half hearted attempt at a routine.  My little boy is bathed between 6.00 & 6.30pm then fed to get him to bed or sleep between 7.30 & 8.00pm, but so far no luck he will be wide awake between 5.00pm and at least midnight sometimes even 1.00am. He will then sleep till about 9.00am with one or two feeds in the night.  I have tried to keep him awake during the day but with no luck, it seems cruel to keep him awake if he is so tired. I have absolutely no idea how I am to get this sorted and would really appreciate any advise or tips on any of my issues.  I am about to go out buy Tracy’s book, but until that arrives what do I do?  Please help I feel completely out of my depth with this one, two & three!!!

Thanks in anticipation.


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This fits into all catorgories so chose to go with general.
« Reply #1 on: October 05, 2005, 21:59:26 pm »
hi there,

here are some things you can read to help you get started:

how to get them to go asleep; stay asleep

general overview on sleep (long but well worth it):

sample routines that others have posted:

the main idea is that once you have a plan, you need to stick with it.  crying it out is definitely not recommended.  but your baby needs you to stay consistent if he will ever learn how to sleep & self-soothe.

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