Author Topic: How to get baby to nap w/older siblings around  (Read 1138 times)

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How to get baby to nap w/older siblings around
« on: October 08, 2005, 14:15:23 pm »
I have a 2yr old and a 3mo old and have been trying to follow the EASY routine for a couple wks now. The problem I'm having is with naps. I bring the baby up to his rm and try to get him down but he can take 30min to settle and I can't leave my 2yr old running around unsupervised for that long. Or my 2yr old comes upstairs into the baby's rm or pounds on the door.  Then the baby only naps for 30-45min and I have to go back up to try to get him back to sleep, leaving my 2yr old alone again. Any suggestions? PLEASE HELP!. I don't know how to make this work with my situation.

Offline lilfrankie

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How to get baby to nap w/older siblings around
« Reply #1 on: October 08, 2005, 22:13:55 pm »
I have similar problems with my 2 1/2 yr spirited/touchy son and 12 week touchy/textbook daughter. I usually put on a video for Josh right before I put Ellie down. I started EASY on a weekend when my husband was home so that I could be consistent. I put her down with a pacifier in her mouth, pat/shush, leave when she closes her eyes (which sometimes only takes about 15 minutes) After I check in on my son I go in and take the paci out of her mouth. If she stirs, I pat/shush and if she is still stirring I put it back in for 5 minutes. Is your ds taking naps around the same time every day? If their bodies are used to falling asleep at the same time every day the process should start to shorten. I also start to put her down about 10-15 minutes before her regular nap time.