Mum's of other toddlers/babies who've overcome jet lag - I hope you can help! We arrived home from the UK (a 24hour flight) 6 days ago. I thought it would only take 2-3 days to get our routine back but it's getting worse!
I'm putting DD down for bed (after bath, cuddle, etc) at 7.30pm bedtime every night. She then alternates between catnapping/crying until about 1am at which time she finally falls into a deep sleep. Most mornings I've then had to wake her at 7.30am (her normal wake time). I'm also trying to stick to the old nap times but she only sleeps for about 1/2 hour, instead of 1.5hrs. Consequently she's very cranky throughout the day.
She's 12 months and we've recently been stopping her bedtime bottle as she was never really interested anyway - she'd only drink 2oz or so. I've been offering a cup of milk with dinner instead but she isn't interested in this either. Do you think the missing nightime bottle would be making any difference??