Author Topic: found the what  (Read 1271 times)

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found the what
« on: October 19, 2005, 14:18:03 pm »
OKay Jency is a tummy sleeper. for a while now when we put him down to bed he would get up on his kneees and try to flop himself over to the side but never could get his arms right. He would finally settle down after a long battle. Well now he has mastered the rolling over thing. The problem is that every time he goes into light sleep he rolls over and wakes up. So in other words he is waking up every hour!!!! DH has to get up at 5:30am to go to work! I am running on empty. He wakes up and then he has to be rocked back down to close to sleep or get the pacifier which we were trying to get away from. Other wise he continues to try and roll over once we put him back. I would try to get him to sleep on his side or back but he thinks that means it's wake up time and when he gets in that position while sleeping he cries!

Anyone have any advice on how to get him to sleep and stop rolling over at night. This is getting tiring! I have no idea where to even begin with this one!
~Adria, wife to Paul 9/7/02
Momma to Jency 6/30/05 & Tesher 12/31/08

Offline elfin

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found the what
« Reply #1 on: October 19, 2005, 17:08:48 pm »
I had the same problem with my ds at that age.  He was also a tummy sleeper (still is), and would wake himself up when he flipped over onto his back and couldn't get back to his stomach.  The best thing to do is lots of tummy time during awake time, so he can master this new skill.  This way he can learn how to roll back over, and the more opportunity he has to practice, the quicker the novelty of practicing the new skill will wear off.

Good luck!

Myles 12/06/03

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found the what
« Reply #2 on: October 24, 2005, 14:27:15 pm »
if your baby keeps rolling over at night what you can do is take some kitchen towels and roll them up and place on either side of him. this is the cheaper way to do this or you can go buy baby sleep wedges (not exactly sure what they're called, but does the same thing as the towels). eventually he will get used to rolling over and sleeping on his back for longer periods of time.  i'm going through the same thing myself. hang in there.