Okay- I have posted a couple times and have tried a few different things but I am still struggling with night wakings here.
Caeden is just past 4 months, popped his first tooth last week and the other one is also coming in but doesn't seem to be bothering him too much anymore.
Up until about 3 weeks ago he was getting up twice a night to feed and would go right back to sleep. And then gradually he started getting up more and more till the last 10 days or so he has been up every 2 hours every night.
We haven't been doing a dreamfeed at all - though he has been getting up about that time lately
The last 3 nights I have only feed him once during the night when he has gotten up on the recommendation of my ped - he actually said I could drop all the night feeds - he could go 8-12 hours without trouble, but I thought till I get things under control I would feed him once during the night - either a dreamfeed time (9-11ish) and let him go till 7 or 4 am ish and not feed him after he goes down - 7-8ish. I have tried both but neither really worked better then the other and he is still up ALOT. At least every 2 hours now, several times last night 1/2 hour apart - HELP!!!!!
All the other times he has gotten up I have replaced the paci and stayed nearby while he fussed himself back to sleep. Usually a couple scream and cried and then fussy till he relaxes and goes to sleep.
FYI - Caeden is one that almost always cries a little before going to sleep - always has and I cannot get him to stop, but have found that leaving him alone for a few minutes he tends to drift off quicker then if I am in there touching or talking to him. This has shown it self to be true at night as well.
I don't mind letting him fuss a little - I am just getting SO TIRED of being up every 2 hours or less, I feel exhausted by the time I get up in the morning.
He is going to sleep well on his own - during the day and at night - I swaddle him up and give him his paci and leave - he fusses anywhere from 2-10 minutes and is out. Sometimes I have to replace the paci once., but he is getting better about keeping it in lately.
His naps during the day seem to be good - at least one long nap and if I am home (its been a crazy week and we have been out alot this week) 2 long naps during the day. Total his day time naps total about 5 hours or so. Is this normal and about where it should be?
He is also eating every 3-4 hours, eats good and seems to be liking this routine.
I have read alot of the posts on here looking for ideas to try but so far I have either tried it and it doesn't work or it won't work for us anyway.
Does anyone have any ideas on how to get this to stop? Once or twice a night up to replace the paci would be okay - I just want to stop this up all time nonsense!
Here are some of my thought - what do you think?
- Should he be getting more to eat during the day? Is he waking actually hungry?
- Should I drop all the night feeds and not feed at all from 7-7?
- Should I feed more - like 9-11ish and then again at 4-5ish?
- Is the paci my problem? I don't know that I am ready to tackle this though - he really likes it and goes to sleep so well with it.
- So I keep going and hope it gets better in the next week or so? Just feed once and then replace paci and hope he stops waking up cause he isn't getting feed?
Oh - any help or encouragement would be wonderful!
Thanks a million for reading all this!