Please help i have a 22 month boy, we have a bed time routine and this has not changed in 22 months. The only routine that has changed is that we now all eat together at about 5:30 p.m. where usually his dinner was at about 4:30 p.m. We thought we'd cracked it as up untill four weeks ago he would go to bed (on his own no pacifying) and we wouldnt hear from him untill about 6:30 which was great.
He now has started waking up to six times per night, sometimes when i go into his bedroom he has lost his dummy so i give him that back, other times he is just standing up in his cot crying with his dummy in his mouth, I tell him to lie and down and go to sleep and he does for a couple of hours then the problem starts again. I dont pick him up at all. I am 22 weeks pregnant at the mo so i am getting very tired and its not going to get any easier, i have tried ignoring him and leaving it longer before i go to him but this ends up with us both crying all night long!!!!!!! Wezley goes to bed between 7 and 7:30 he is very eager to go to bed and has no problem falling asleep on his own he has an hour during the day max but some days he doesnt sleep at all. Please help me!!!!!!!