Put your lo's to bed later tonight, about an hour later if you can. Even if it means they need another catnap sometime before bedtime.
In the am, do what you can to sooth them back to sleep. Even if they get 15 mins more of sleep, consider it a victory, and just keep it up. I've been doing this for the last week, and my lo is finally to the point where she's waking an hour later (but then, she LOVES her sleep). However, I think she made the change mostly by herself; it's still dark at 6 am
If they don't make the change naturally, then you'll just have to keep trying to soothe until they get it. If they don't get it, then you'll probably have to just get them up. Don't give up after 15 mins though; keep trying for a half hour.
After the change tonight, put them back to bed at their normal bedtime every night, regardless of if they wake earlier as a result of the change. If it gets to be more than a week and they still haven't adjusted, you might consider moving bedtime back a half hour or so.
Hope this helps!
Sonya =P