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Offline Superman'sMom

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What have I done.
« on: November 10, 2005, 14:12:08 pm »
I have posted on the nap borad about my LO short naps and in that post I talked about how much better his nights were. I apparently spoken to soon.

He WAS waking every 1-2 hour and was a bear to get down. Then with pu/pd we improved on that. He went to waking only once to eat. Then I decided that I would be really smart and add a dreamfeed. I fiqured it would give him some extra calories, maybe he wouldn't wake up. I fiqured wrong. I did the dreamfeed twice. Once 2 1/2 hours after bedtime and once 2 hours after. He woke up twice during the night both times.

So I decide this was a bad idea. Last night I wasn't going to give it to him. He woke up at the same time that I have given it to him and demanded feeding. Ok so I gave it to him. He went back to sleep pretty easy. Then at 3:30 ish he woke up and dh tried to but him back down. It was not pretty. So I ended up feeding him and then he won't go back down until 5ish. Then he woke up at 8 demanding food. Now he is asleep, since he won't stay up. Oh he usually starts his day at 9.

I've been transitioning to a 4hour easy(loose easy). The 45 minute naps are preveiling currently.

How do I fix this? When he does pu/pd he just screams (when he wakes up) then he needs feeding anyways because he is hungry then.

I just wanted ya'll expert advice.

Mom to SPIRITED Aiden
Born 7/10/2005

Offline sara_derek

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What have I done.
« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2005, 14:57:58 pm »
How old is your son and can he put himself to sleep on his own?
Canyon 12/27/02
Christian 7/4/05

Angel#1 12/23/01
Angel #2 5/23/06
Angel #3 11/27/06

Offline Superman'sMom

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What have I done.
« Reply #2 on: November 10, 2005, 16:29:11 pm »
Sorry. He is 4 months old. Depends on how your mean "put him self to sleep". He falls asleep in his bed but I am always there, hand on him and sometimes shhhing if he is really upset/wound up. I stay there until he is in deep sleep.

Something else, I do expect him to wake at night. I just thought it could be once, not 3-4.  He is a big boy, 20 pounds. I think he doesn't get the calories he needs during the day. But there are only so many hours. If he eats more frequently then he does (3-4 hrs) he just snacks.

Mom to SPIRITED Aiden
Born 7/10/2005

Offline sara_derek

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What have I done.
« Reply #3 on: November 11, 2005, 04:41:27 am »
Thanks for the additional information!  I would say you are definitely right to not attempt the dream feed for a while again - it can throw some babies for a loop - I say, if it ain't broke, don't fix it!  If he is waking for that feed, then do pu/pd.  When he wakes the second time, feed him, then do pu/pd for any other wakings after that until his normal wake up time.  Is he breast or bottle fed?  If he is on bottles, he is definitely able to make it with only one feeding at night.  If you're afraid he's not getting enough calories during the day, try feeding him an ounce more or a few minutes more on the breast each feeding to get those in instead of feeding more frequenty.  A four hour EASY is good for his age.  My ds is 4 months old, on a 4 hour easy and has 5, 7 ounce bottles a day.  We don't have to deal with 45 minute naps though, so that is a big difference.  Keep working on those naps and be consistent.  the better they sleep during the day, the better their nights will be.  Like Tracy says, sleep begets sleep!  Good luck!
Canyon 12/27/02
Christian 7/4/05

Angel#1 12/23/01
Angel #2 5/23/06
Angel #3 11/27/06