Author Topic: waking for 2hrs at night - 8mths -help - never done before  (Read 1309 times)

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waking for 2hrs at night - 8mths -help - never done before
« on: November 10, 2005, 21:41:48 pm »
My son is 8mths old and has been in a good routine since birth. In the last 2 wks he has started waking for up to 2hrs at night. There is no set time that he is waking. He has new teeth coming in and I have been using teething powder for this. If I try to leave the room he cries and want stop. I end up sitting on the floor next to the cot and then he is happy. I am worried that he is still waking and that I may start a bad habit by being in the room. I am so tired and only want to do the best for him. I have the baby whisper solves all your problems but can't seem to find the answer to my problem. He has always gone back to sleep in the night when we put his dummy in. He goes down for naps and at night fine with or without his dummy.
I am starting to feel desperate as my husband wants to pick him up and rock him to sleep. Do you think this will stop when the teeth come through? He has had 4 come through at once with one still to break through the skin.
Thanks - I hope someone can help me
Carol - mother of 2 lovely boys. One 10yrs and 8mths

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waking for 2hrs at night - 8mths -help - never done before
« Reply #1 on: November 11, 2005, 04:46:22 am »
When your little one is in pain, please don't feel badly about loving on them.  When my ds was teething I did whatever I could to soothe him through those difficult days.  I worried about getting him back on track after the teeth broke through.  If you were in pain  you would want some extra tlc too wouldn't you?  When he's out of pain I bet it will take a very short time to get him back to his old sleeping habits!
Canyon 12/27/02
Christian 7/4/05

Angel#1 12/23/01
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Offline 2ndtimemum

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Now sleeping
« Reply #2 on: November 20, 2005, 00:48:23 am »
Thanks for you support. I ended up taking him to the doctor as it wasn't getting any better at night. I was worried it may be an ear infection.  And it was! I am so glad now that I went with my instincts and didn't let him cry. He is now back to my normal great sleeper.  :)
Carol - mother of 2 lovely boys. One 10yrs and 8mths