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Offline LindseysMom

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2 to 1, how - what - when and the bumpy ride!
« on: November 18, 2005, 14:56:56 pm »
Hello again.  I can not decide what to do here.  Lindsey has been refusing her afternoon nap for about a week now.  Except yesterday when it took her an hour to fall asleep for her am nap and then she only slept for 30 minutes.  Then she got a 30 minute nap in the car on the way home from the doctors.   She slept last night from 7:30 til 730 this am.  I was thinking about trying to just keep her up til 12:30 and feed her lunch at 11:30 but I just don't know if that is the right thing to do.  Her ped says it is fine to keep offering 2 naps even if she does not sleep for one of them.  For those of you that have transitioned to one nap, did your lo start waking early int he am, like before 6 am?   That is the main reason why I am so weary about changing for fear she will start with the early wakings again.   Has anyone transitioned without your lo resorting to ealry wakings?  She has not started with the ealry wakings this past week but I have heard they do fine with 1 nap for little while and then the troubles begin.  Stacy, I remember reading where you put Max down to 1 nap at 11 months old, did he start with early wakings?   I guess I just wish I knew the answer for sure if this is what she needs or not.  She is almost 13 months old.  When she does not get her afternoon nap she can get pretty cranky in the evening around supper but once she eats she is usually ok til bedtime.  Any suggestions.  Megs Mom, what do you think I should do?  Anyone else?
Registered Nurse now Sahm
Mom to Lindsey Elizabeth 10/28/04
Baby girl due December 8th

Offline jayne

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2 to 1, how - what - when and the bumpy ride!
« Reply #1 on: November 18, 2005, 15:15:32 pm »
gina is 15 months and i transitioned her to one nap because when i would give her an early nap she didnt need the second nap until around 5 that being too late she was so overtired when i would push her until 6 or 6:30 for bed..

i found that at this point everyday will be different for you.. somedays she will need an morning nap and others she wont..

what i did was try to push the morning nap later--gina's ideal amount of wake time at this point is 5-6 hours so if she gets up at 7 am i am looking to put her down around 12 she sleeps for about 2 hours and then bedtime at 7pm--

but you need to find what works best for lindsey...follow her lead and watch closely for tired signs and make a note of when she is tired.. if you can give her quiet time in the morning or afternoon and it doesnt interfere with bedtime or lead to a complete meltdown in the early evening i would just go with it for now..

good luck :D

dd#1  05-14-2001
dd#2  08-06-2004

Offline tylersmommy

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2 to 1, how - what - when and the bumpy ride!
« Reply #2 on: November 18, 2005, 17:03:51 pm »
I transitioned Tyler to 1 nap on 2 separate occasions. First time, he was 10.5 mo and was refusing his AM nap. It didn't go so well. The early wakings started after a few days, the nap got shorter and shorter, and he was one overtired baby. It got to the point where he was falling asleep during lunch with a mouthful of broccoli. After 2 wks of it getting worse and worse, he was just miserable, so we went back to 2 naps but I limited each one to 30 min (unheard of, huh? :lol: ). That fixed the early wakings quickly and he was fine.

At 13 mo, he was skipping his AM nap every single day for about 2 wks. I bit the bullet and just started putting him down for his PM nap early, and the transition went much better. He truly was ready. After several days, that nap got longer on its own. IMHO, it doesn't hurt to give it a try. You may have a miserable couple of weeks while her body adjusts, but at the end of those couple of weeks (sometimes longer), you'll know for sure if she's ready for the transition or not. If not, you can always go back to 2 naps. Does that make sense? :D
Mommy to Tyler, 12/30/03 and Mackenzie, 10/17/06
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Offline LindseysMom

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2 to 1, how - what - when and the bumpy ride!
« Reply #3 on: November 18, 2005, 18:53:47 pm »
Well, I tries to do one nap today but I don't know if it is going to work or not.  I kept her up and I did not see any yawns till 11:15, so I gave her a snack and put her down at 12:00.  So, I went to the store and of course she was awake when I got home.  Dh said she coughes at 12:30 a few times and then was awake at around 1:00. :roll:  I know she was tired when I put her down and I really thought she would have slept a while longer, at least an hour and 15 - 30 minutes.  Now I guess I will just have to see how she is doing later today as to whether I put her down again or not.   This sucks!  Should I give her a real lunch before I put her down instead of a snack?  I gave her milk and some goldfish creackers at 11:15.  Maybe her cold bothered her this am since she was coughing some.  She does have a little cold going on.
Registered Nurse now Sahm
Mom to Lindsey Elizabeth 10/28/04
Baby girl due December 8th

Offline jayne

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2 to 1, how - what - when and the bumpy ride!
« Reply #4 on: November 18, 2005, 21:57:22 pm »
i feed gina lunch before i put her down..but not usually something that is too heavy..

it will take a little while for her to settle in... and a cold never helps--hope tonight goes well for you..

dd#1  05-14-2001
dd#2  08-06-2004

Offline LindseysMom

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2 to 1, how - what - when and the bumpy ride!
« Reply #5 on: November 18, 2005, 22:15:06 pm »
Well, this may have not been the best thing to do but I put her back down at 4:50 b/c she was tired and fussy and I knew she would not even be able to make it til 7:30 if I did'nt.   I guess this will move her bedtime to a little later but I guess that is ok for tonight.  I have found that the less sleep time she gets at night the better she takes naps for me during the day.  I had been putting her to bed earlier this week due to the lack of afternoon naps so maybe she was getting so much sleep at night that is why she would not sleep much during the day?   Who knows. :roll:
Registered Nurse now Sahm
Mom to Lindsey Elizabeth 10/28/04
Baby girl due December 8th

Offline jayne

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2 to 1, how - what - when and the bumpy ride!
« Reply #6 on: November 18, 2005, 23:39:46 pm »
that actually may help you as long as she doesnt sleep too long.. if she goes down later and sleeps later in the morning--that is the key-- then you can hold off the morning nap until later..otherwise she will wake up and be tired and will need a morning nap..

but this is normal when you transition from two naps to one

dd#1  05-14-2001
dd#2  08-06-2004

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2 to 1, how - what - when and the bumpy ride!
« Reply #7 on: November 19, 2005, 05:47:41 am »
Hi Lynne, we were out ALL day.

Welcome to the 1 nap transition club  :twisted: sorry. 

For those of you that have transitioned to one nap, did your lo start waking early int he am, like before 6 am?
We didn't have any early waking during the transition.  The only early wakings we had was when the time changed but by that point we were doing great w/ the 1 nap so i don't think it was due to that.

They all undergo one nap is too little and 2 naps too many phase – so expect it too take 2-3 wks.  I found this to be SO true.

I know she only slept for 1hr today but remember, you know you have decided to give 1 nap but she doesn't.  Was she sleeping for 1hr for her am previously?  Megan was stuck at 1.15hr for 2 weeks, i tried awake to sleep and immediately she started sleeping 2hrs.

Since the time change, on some days, i have had to give her a 30min catnap or she can't make it to 1pm for her nap.  But as you may know from my other posts, she hasn't been well for a few weeks now (ear infections, allergies, possible reflux, teething and cold) try to be patient and give Lindsey time to adjust especially if she is sick.

So, i would continue on your 1 nap plan - expect it to take a few weeks - make bedtime earlier if needed - take a walk or drive in the am to distract her - offer a catnap if needed – I give a normal lunch and then offer a big snack after nap.

It wasn't as bad as i thought it was going to be, really!  So don't let your mind get ahead of yourself.

Hope that helps, feel free to ask questions!

Offline Keren

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2 to 1, how - what - when and the bumpy ride!
« Reply #8 on: November 19, 2005, 10:24:31 am »

Josh too refused his afternoon nap. The only way I could get him to nap was to go for a drive in the car. After two weeks this got a bit tiresome so I just bit the bullet and pushed him. The first two days he made it to 12:30 but then his nap went to 30mins so I started to put him down 5 hours after he woke up. Now he is at 5.5 - 6 hrs before he goes down for a nap. He never woke early in the morning except when he started to get used to the one nap and I was putting him down 30mins earlier than usual. He started to not add that 30mins onto his night sleep so I pushed him back o 7pm bed and now he wakes around 6-7 in the morning.

So now he goes down around 12am and I give him half his lunch at 11:30 and the rest when he wakes.

I only get around 1 -1.5 hrs nap. I would love him to do 2hrs but I think I lucked out and scored myself a power napper who doesn't need a lot of sleep to get through the day.

I do remember once when I thought he was going to one nap so I pushed him but by 6pm he was crying (having a meltdown) so I knew he wasn't ready. When I started the tranisition he didn't have that meltdown so I knew he was ready.

Hope all this helps


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2 to 1, how - what - when and the bumpy ride!
« Reply #9 on: November 19, 2005, 12:56:42 pm »
I'm sort of having this problem too (she sleeps great at daycare though we do the same thing).  I wait and put Zoe down between 12 and 1 and she'll sleep 30 minutes - an hour at most a few days.  I then put her down again between 3:30 and 4 and wake her up after 20-30 minutes.  Just enough of a power nap to get her through to bed time.  :D
**Noelle**  Formerly JohnandZoesMom

Offline LindseysMom

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2 to 1, how - what - when and the bumpy ride!
« Reply #10 on: November 19, 2005, 19:35:40 pm »
Well, I swear no two days are alike.  Today I put her down at 11 am and she slept til 1 pm.   now I am guessing she will not need another nap but who knows.  We are going to Target.  Oh, she only slept 30 minutes yesterday so I did not have to wake her up but boy was she a crank when she woke up.  I ended up putting her to bed at 8:30 and she slept til around 8 am.  Thanks for the advice ladies, it really helps me get through this.
Registered Nurse now Sahm
Mom to Lindsey Elizabeth 10/28/04
Baby girl due December 8th

Offline Fiona (Leah & Kians Mom)

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2 to 1, how - what - when and the bumpy ride!
« Reply #11 on: November 19, 2005, 20:31:52 pm »
Hi Lindsey,
You are having a rough time of it. Have to admit mornings here can still be a bit icky, dd is tired around 11.30ish but I have started to take her for a walk or have quiet time where I let her watch her bear dvd. She is going down 5 hours after wake up and does between 1.5 and 2 hours and then bed time is about 4.5 hours later and she does 12 hours more or less. I find on the days when dh is home or we are out and about somewhere in the morning she is easier to handle, when its just the 2 of us she seems to remember she is tired and gets cranky.

Offline LindseysMom

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2 to 1, how - what - when and the bumpy ride!
« Reply #12 on: November 21, 2005, 17:47:15 pm »
This just gets worse and worse.  Today she refused her am nap.  So tomorrow I am just going to keep her up til after lunch and then put her down.  Wish me luck please.
Registered Nurse now Sahm
Mom to Lindsey Elizabeth 10/28/04
Baby girl due December 8th

Offline tylersmommy

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2 to 1, how - what - when and the bumpy ride!
« Reply #13 on: November 21, 2005, 18:12:36 pm »
Hang in there, Lynne. It's a tough age and can be soooo frustrating! You're totally 2 days are alike. Hopefully things will straighten out soon!
Mommy to Tyler, 12/30/03 and Mackenzie, 10/17/06
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2 to 1, how - what - when and the bumpy ride!
« Reply #14 on: November 21, 2005, 18:19:19 pm »

We did this 1 nap, next day 2 (back and forth guessing at what she needed).  I then decided i wasn't go to do that any more (too stressful and wasn't working - totally normal btw!).

I then stuck to the nap 1:
-putting her down after lunch
-about 5hrs after am wake up
-more lunch upon waking.

If she didn't sleep long enough i did pd for the rest of the entire nap time (s/b 2hrs).

Like Fiona, we also go for a walk, drive or something that makes her sit still to rest at about 10am - if she does fall asleep i let her sleep for 20-30min max.  I too find if we just stay in at that time, she is really cranky.

Good luck!  You will get thru this  :wink: