Author Topic: Wakes at 12 and 5am every night........going crazy  (Read 1441 times)

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Wakes at 12 and 5am every night........going crazy
« on: November 22, 2005, 20:40:06 pm »
Please can someone out there give me some ideas about what to do about my DD. She has suddenly gone from sleeping through-with the occasional waking for a drink- to waking at midnight and 5am every night without fail. She demands a bottle of milk at both wakings and will have the lot, about 8oz each.
She was ill recently with a cold and urine infection and so didn't eat a great deal. Now she is more than making up for it! I can't seem to fill her. She is still in 6-9month clothes so is quite small, and has 3 meals a day plus snacks and 2 bottles.
Has anyone got any ideas how I can get her to stop waking at the same time every night? We've tried giving her more to eat in the day but that doesn't work. I've done wake to sleep, which used to work but it hasn't for this.
Now at a loss of what to try.
Any help will be GREATLY appreciated
Isobel 13/09/2004
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Wakes at 12 and 5am every night........going crazy
« Reply #1 on: November 23, 2005, 04:23:38 am »
Is there any way you can wean her from the bottle? I doubt she needs the nighttime nourishment, but is just now relying on a bottle to get back to sleep. In particular if she gets a bottle prior to going to sleep I assume this is becoming a negative sleep association. If you need to wean her from the bottle you can try adding more and more water every bottle for a few days. Just a thought.

I'm assuming something else is going on with her - teething, cold, etc. - and she's using the bottle as an excuse and as a prop.
Karina - Jan 24, 2004
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Wakes at 12 and 5am every night........going crazy
« Reply #2 on: December 12, 2005, 23:16:08 pm »
Hi im having the sam problem with my daughter she is 21 months, and wakes up at least twice every night, she to asks for her cup of milk and drinks it all,  so im presuming she most be hungry, ive ried giving her more food in the day but it doesnt help ivealso tried giving her supper but she still wakes. when she does have a bottle in the night a lot of the time she brings it back up 10 mins after, so she wakes  the next hour asking for another drink.  Sorry i cant help but just to let you know your not on your own, if i come up with a solution i'll let you know. keep us posted x Estee x

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Wakes at 12 and 5am every night........going crazy
« Reply #3 on: December 13, 2005, 00:34:19 am »
How long has it been going on for? I am hoping for your sake your dd will snap out of it soon. I don't know much about growth spurt timings but it could be something like that. If she is drinking the entire bottle both times I think she is hungry. My dd does odd things like this every now and then and all of a sudden it stops and she's back to normal. Two nights ago she woke at 1.00am, drank a whole bottle of formula and went back to sleep, then she woke at 5.30am, took another bottle and back to sleep. Last night she slept through until 6.45am! Nice!

Best of luck!
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Wakes at 12 and 5am every night........going crazy
« Reply #4 on: December 13, 2005, 00:48:21 am »
I have the exact same son is 15 months old and he wakes at least twice a night for a full bottle each time!  :shock:  This child eats a lot during the I'm at a loss.  If u find any answers, please let me in on them!   U're not alone...we share sorrows!!  :?