I am going through the same thing but my daughter has been doing this since she was 10 months old and she is about to turn 13 months. I am only getting 4-6 hours sleep each night and it makes it worse with having a 3 year old asthmatic who has been ill with his asthma for 3 weeks as well and the fact that I have had and still got post-natal depression which makes things feel worse than they are.
It helps if you can hand your baby to there dad (if he is about) as 1 night a week my husband takes over so that I can get at least 6 hours straight sleep in stead of at least 4 hours disrupted sleep. Also my daughter is still breast-feed which I am trying to get her off but it is failing. (Although she has gone from 6 bf down to 3 bf in only a month)
It is hard but I find that for the past 2 days I have refused my daughter a nap and she is now going to sleep in 30 minutes (down from 1-2 hours crying) at night and last night she only woke at 4 instead of 10, 12, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8.
I hope this reasures you that it might just be the age, well that is what my health visitor says it is because she wants me with her for reasurance and comfort. Keep up what you are doing and don't give in as this makes it worse because you are then showing your baby that they are incontrol and not you and it should be the other way round. This is were I have gone wrong with my daughter has I gave in to her with bf in the night and that is the only way she knows to go to sleep.